Elevate Me 2022
Get your 2022 off to a smashing start!
Right now 2022 can be anything you want it to be.
It has the potential to be your best year EVER!
But 2022 is not going to be your best year ever by accident! It’s going to take laser focus, quite a bit of effort and some tough decisions.
Because, for most of us, how good or bad 2022 will be, is going to be down to the choices we make…
- the things we say yes to, and
- the things we say not to.
And planning is vital!
So how about you?
What do you want from 2022? Another year of ‘meh’, wasted opportunities and groundhog days? Or your best year yet?
If this is you and you are ready to achieve an abundance of success then register to save your space today.
Kickstart Your Business and Change Your Own Life In The Process!
A day of internal transformation with four epic speakers so you can focus and have clarity to move forward with confidence and know how!
Bringing you the best presenters so you take action and have the most epic 2022 ever!
Learn how to remove barriers so you can live your own life at your highest power while creating success and achieving anything you want through a fearless mindset.
Map out your 2022 ready for success!
Our Speaker Lineup
Jamie Getgood
Julie Piantadosi
Isaac Lomman
Deborah Librino
Jamie …
Jamie Getgood is a sought-after international motivational keynote speaker with a vast array of unique HR experiences that allows him to impart knowledge and influence leaders.
Jamie’s passion for people, his focus on employee engagement and the success of the business is evident in his achievements.
Jamie was named as the South Australian AND Australian Leader/Manager of the Year at the Australian Excellence Awards.
Self-Care Through Significant Change
Working through significant change can often bring out the best within leaders as they pivot and shift to create new and empowering strategies to protect the business and support their workers.
This session highlights a number of principles surrounding good culture, leadership change, trust, change management, employee engagement, strategic foresight and a pure desire to put our people first.
Jamie will share a raw personal experience of how self-care is crucially important through one of the largest change programs Australian business has even seen.
Julie …
Julie Piantadosi is a Master Coach and CEO of Total Coaching Academy.
Her vast business skill sets and ability to remove limiting beliefs are key attributes to making her one of the most sort after female speakers in Australia. She’s trained Qantas, Ambulance, Porsche and Kenneth Cole NY just to name a few.
In this powerful session Julie will share what it really takes to create a life of abundance and success, empowering you to take immediate action and smash your goals!
Isaac …
Isaac Lomman is a Stage Hypnotist, Hypnotic Coach and Certified Hypnosis Trainer. Travelling across Australia & Internationally to demonstrate this incredible state of mind.
Isaac is Australia’s Number 1 Stage Hypnotist, Teaching Coaches, Healers & Consultants to think different and be limitless through powerful evidence based techniques and strategies to program the mind at the deep subconscious level for success.
Deborah …
Deborah Librino owns Bella Vita Yoga And Meditation.
Deborah is a true source of inspiration to anyone who’s striving to be the very best they can. She’s a highly sort-after Yoga & Meditation Teacher that spans over 20 years.
She has a passion for physical and mental health and helping people to reconnect with and nurture their body, mind and soul through mindful movement, self care, all that assists in leading a well balanced life.
Deborah will be sharing her bullet-proof strategies to help you free your mind and soul of things that serve you zero purpose!
When And Where This Training Is Delivered
16 January 2022
1.00 – 6.00 pm
Total Coaching Academy
Aurora Building – Sky Deck
147 Pirie Street, Adelaide
Connect in our Facebook Group
More details to come.
Ticket Pricing
You can attend online or IN PERSON for the same price.
Numbers are strictly limited!
per person or
for your whole team to attend online
Plan Your Way To An Incredible 2022
Have questions?
Call us on 08 7226 6981